Praise the Lord!!! South Africa is in REVIVAL!!! We have just come through our 8 city Revival Tour across the nation and have begun our 8 day Revival Celebration in the Great Faith Dome, in East London (Buffalo City)!
To say we have been overwhelmed by the response to the Revival Tour, would be an understatement. We have literally been blown away at the excitement of the crowds of Faith TV viewers and partners that have come out to the meetings in each province to experience a touch of God on their lives! What a privilege to be a part of this mighty move of God’s Spirit over our beautiful land!
For those of you who are able to join us at the Great Faith Dome this first week of November, we welcome you with open hearts and arms! It’s not too late to register and come to the meetings!
Obviously Revival has been the mandate of this tour, and the Presence of God has been its theme. In each meeting we have experienced nothing less, hallelujah! South Africa will never be the same again!
Jenny and I wanted to encourage you to seek the Lord and encounter His Presence for yourself daily! As you choose to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, you will find yourself abiding in the shadow of the Almighty! Everything you will ever need for victory in life comes from being in the Presence of Lord, especially when we encounter Him in His Word!
When we yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him the time to do His powerful, transforming work in our lives, He causes the truth of His Word to cut away incorrect mindsets that hinder us from living in the full victory Jesus died for us to have!
His Holy fire burns away all those things that are not of God in our lives, freeing us from oppressive addictions and bondages, allowing us to stand confidently in faith to receive every covenant promise He has made to us.
For every believer, sin will only shut down the glory of God from operating in our lives. It robs our confidence to experience God’s Presence and exercise authority over the devil. It shipwrecks our faith and messes with the gift of God in our lives.
But when we choose to abide in Jesus, have His word come alive in our hearts, and actively and habitually practice the presence of God – sin will have no hold over us! Instead, we will be strengthened and empowered by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ that is demonstrated by the working of His mighty strength inside us!
Ephesians 1:19, “And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength”
Our greatest desire for you, and every one of our partners, is to see you habitually encountering the manifest presence of Jesus. This is how we will be restored, renewed and revived – empowered to represent Him well in this life – ready for His imminent return. Thank you so much for faithfully pouring your love and support into this vision the Lord has given us – to see every nation of this world set on fire for Jesus as we broadcast the truth of His gospel and represent Him well! You are a true blessing to us and our team and we are honoured to partner with you! As you sow your financial seed into the work of this ministry this month, know that we are standing with you in faith – believing and expecting a mighty harvest of return to pour into your life!