We have been extremely blessed by the overwhelming response to our daily broadcast where we took time to teach on the principles leading to financial freedom. We’ve received testimony after testimony of God’s goodness being manifest in our viewers’ lives. The live broadcasts have stirred their faith to believe God for the promises in His Word. As a result, they have witnessed what is impossible in the natural, becoming possible in God!

It’s our greatest desire to see each of our partners living in victory in these areas, and we want to encourage you to constantly meditate on the following scriptures so you are ever mindful of God’s truth and will not only be set free but remain free in Him! It’s important to note that through the finished work of the cross, the bondage of poverty is broken over us. That means we are now able to apply the principles of biblical economics taught in the Word of God and see them work and produce good results in our lives.

As much as people would love to receive financial wealth and prosperity by simply praying and believing, the Bible doesn’t teach this. God’s Word clearly explains how diligent work accompanied by wise management of our money is necessary for financial increase and freedom. You can be full of faith and have a powerful prayer life, but through mismanagement of your finances to be financially poor. That’s why we have spent much time over the past few months teaching on wise management of personal finances. We encourage you to access these teachings by watching our Faith Today programs on FaithNOW (All the Faith Today Teachings in the month of October the year 2020)

You can download the FaithNOW App on iOS or Android from any electronic device. There you are able to watch all the programs at your convenience. Click this link to subscribe and start watching today: https://faithnow.app.

Due to popular demand, we want to remind you of the Commandments pertaining to being Debt Free, taught by Pastor Nicky van der Westhuizen, during our Faith Today programs.


  • Commandment 1: Thou shalt determine where your money is going. (Luke 16:2)
  • Commandment 2: Thou shalt determine the amount of debt you owe and make a plan to repay it. (Romans 13:7-8)
  • Commandment 3: Thou shalt not borrow against your future. (Psalm 37:21)
  • Commandment 4: Thou shalt destroy all cards that lead you into debt. (Matthew 5:29-30; Matthew 26:41; 1 Timothy 6:10)
  • Commandment 5: Thou shalt not hoard, but sell the items you don’t use. (Matthew 6:19-20)
  • Commandment 6: Thou shalt not raise your standard of living according to your increase. (Proverbs 21:20)
  • Commandment 7: Thou shalt pray before you pay. (James 4:2, Luke 19:24-26)
  • Commandment 8: Thou shalt not co-sign for others. (Proverbs 11:15)
  • Commandment 9: Thou shalt remain in unity and train your children in these commandments. (Proverbs 22:6, 13:22; Amos 3:3)
  • Commandment 10: Thou shalt give 10% back to God. (Malachi 3:10)


We celebrate with you as you walk in the fullness of freedom Jesus has secured for you, and the Holy Spirit is continuously leading you in.