Blog - MyFaith USA

MyFaith usa Blog

February 2025 Newsletter

What a joy to write to you and build you up in your faith! The Lord has spoken through His prophets that this is the year where the church of Jesus Christ will come alive and thrive! What does that mean? We believe that those who remain full of the Spirit, and full of the Word, will become skilled in knowing how to tap into the flow of God’s life and...

January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year! 2025 is a year where the children of God are invited to embrace and live in the fullness of our new life in Christ Jesus and thrive in every good thing He has made available for us to enjoy!  It’s time to come alive and thrive in all He has done for us! Ephesians 2:10 in the Amplified Classic says, “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His...

December Newsletter

The end of the calendar year is here, and a great new door of opportunity and blessing awaits us! As we look back at the year of 2024, it was indeed a year of experiencing more and more, and more of the goodness of God! Hallelujah! What a faithful God we serve, He can always be trusted to honor His Word concerning us! Jenny and I want to especially thank...

November 2024 Newsletter

It’s such a joy to write and encourage you in the Lord today! We want to remind you that the Lord is faithful and good, and His power is always flowing towards us, because we believe in Him, and trust His Word with our lives! This month we will be touring 3 cities in South Africa, ministering the truth of God’s Word and fully expecting His glory to be manifest...

October News

Jenny and I count it a great joy and privilege to have you as a partner to this ministry.  We want to personally thank you for your continued love and support towards us.  You are precious to us.   As you may well know by now, we are planning to tour South Africa over the month of November. We would love to meet you in person and see you being...

Coming in October

New programmers we’ve onboarded for October 2024: It’s a Victorious Life – Paul Brady (start date October 5th) Join Paul Brady on a transformative journey, embracing the unstoppable synergy of God’s Word and Spirit. The Prophetic Witness with Dr. Billye Brim (start date October 5th) Dive into the scriptures through the lens of prophecy on the Prophetic Witness Television Broadcast with Dr. Billye Brim. Grace & Truth with Duane Sheriff...

September News

We will bless the Lord and our praise for Him will always be in our hearts and on our lips! This is a decision we have made as a family, and as a network – at all times, and in every circumstance! We believe it’s a decision every one of our partners has made for themselves too. The truth is, we are living in days where being decisive, concerning God’s...

August 2024 Newsletter

What a joy it is to encourage you in the Lord again! We understand that we are living in very interesting times, and that people all over the world are having to face great uncertainty in so many areas of life.  That’s why Jenny and I want to remind you of something that will never change, regardless of what happens in the world around us.  That is the infallible Word...

Magazine Latest Issue

The latest issue of MyFaith Magazine is now available. READ or DOWNLOAD it HERE today!

April 2024 Newsletter

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! Together with our precious team, Jenny and I want to encourage you in the Word today! While waiting on the Lord concerning writing you this month, this scripture came to mind:  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (AMPC), “And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and...

March 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the month of March! This is the beginning of a new season wherever you are in the world.  In spite of what the current weather conditions are, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, you are officially entering into autumn; and for those in the Northern Hemisphere, this month will welcome in spring!  The point being – for believers, regardless of what the circumstances in the natural seem to predict,...

February 2024 Newsletter

What a joy it is to encourage you in the Word. The Lord is faithful and true to His promises! He has given us everything we will ever need to live victoriously in this life and overcome every obstacle and opposition that stands in the way of us laying a hold of every part of our inheritance in Him! Jenny and I want to thank you for your continued love,...